Selasa, 28 April 2015


Name : Shintya Permatasari

NPM : 26212989



The Use of Gadget For Children

The gadget is a device that is associated with the development of today's technology. Which includes gadgets for example tablets, smartphones, netbooks, and so on. Although the gadget is not social interaction but an interesting feature offered often make children familiar with it quickly. Not infrequently, the gadget is regarded as a scourge for children. In fact, the same gadget to other objects that have positive and negative effects.

Electronic devices and games have a positive effect in supporting cognitive learning and the development of analytical skills. This can help build an innovative and strategic thinking and encourage creativity in children. Many games are designed to pursue a specific value in order to continue the game to the next level. It can encourage mathematical and engineering capabilities person and psychologically motivate a person to not give up easily.

Technology also carries a negative influence on child development among inhibit brain development, affecting social relationships and cause health problems. Excessive use of gadgets in children can affect their performance in school. Children spend more time with playing gadget thus affecting their concentration on the lesson. Playing habits gadget also cause an unhealthy lifestyle and time management that is not good. In addition, when children play a game that has elements of violence, they will tend to be more aggressive. Modern technology also contributed to the moral decay of children. The Internet can introduce children to the bad things, such as pornography.

Moreover, the gadget will make the child get information easily and can establish communication over long distances. With the gadget also children can innovate and be creative with features that diverse. However, children who are too often use the gadget will shift the culture one is communicating with friends via direct contact. Today many children who prefer to play using their gadget than play out the traditional game that requires interaction with one another. Gadgets make cool kids with his own world, it causes the interaction to be reduced. Selfishness in children will be formed, does not accept other people's opinions, and lack of communication with people around.

Besides delinquency and deviant acts among children is increasing. The weakening of the authority of traditions that exist in society, such as politeness, cooperation and mutual support have weakened the centripetal force that plays an important role in creating social unity. Further result can be seen together, delinquency and deviant acts among children and adolescents increased in various forms. In addition to local cultural shift foreign culture. Ease of access to information make rapid exchange of local culture shift. For example, when western culture into the culture of Indonesia so many young people who now follow western customs and forgotten their regional culture, such as batik, wayang, and each other. 

More negative impact on children in the use of the gadget as compared to a positive impact. The role of parents is very important, to know what is being done by children with gadgets. Supervision is very important for children to continue to use the gadget as a function gadget that fits the child's age.